"Can the animation in the Flash file be a little smoother?"No, it can't. I'm using 100% Ease on that tween, in a program with the most advanced animation tweening available on the net. The text is set specifically for animation, and the motion is calculated to within 0.01 of a pixel (with anti-alias smoothing), at 24 frames per second.
"Smoother" is not the word you're looking for.
Why does this upset me? Because it's insulting. It's like me telling an architect that the wall he just constructed is not vertical, without me having used a protractor and/or a spirit level to measure it. I'm just going on what my untrained, unarchitectural eyes are telling me, and I'm using terminology I heard somewhere along the line as relating to architecture, to try and show that I know what I'm talking about. Pants to that - the architect in question would hit me with an invoice for work done thus far, and leave me to find someone else to finish the project.